Learning something new
Learning through jigsaw puzzling is exciting. The world is full of fascinating facts and information. And the process of discovering them piece by piece, not just the end result, is enjoyable and rewarding.

Exercises both the left and right sides of your brain at once
When jigsaw puzzling you use both your left brain which is logical, objective and works in a linear methodical fashion and your right brain which controls emotions, more creative and intuitive.

Improves your short-term memory
Jigsaw puzzling reinforces connections between your brain cells and forms new ones. In the process of completing a jigsaw puzzle we use our memory to remember shapes, sizes, and pieces.

Improves your visual-spatial reasoning
When jigsaw puzzling, you need to look at individual pieces and figure out where they will fit into the big picture. Just like using visual-spatial reasoning in driving a car, packing, using a map, and learning and following dance moves, the more you practice the better you will be.

Improves your fine motor skills
Jigsaw puzzling requires you to work carefully to place the pieces together. You use these skills everyday to get dressed, eat, pick up objects, type, and even swipe on our phones. These skills are very important to develop in young children and to maintain as you become older so you can remain as independent as possible.

Creates a sense of calm and peacefulness
Jigsaw puzzles are a wonderful meditation tool that enables you to focus without any distractions. This is especially important when trying to unplug from our digital lifestyle.

Develops valuable patience and creative problem-solving techniques.
Jigsaw puzzling is an organic way to practice your patience in finding new solutions that allows you to overcome obstacles and to find the best possible solutions to even the most chaotic of situations.

Develops and strengthens friendships
Jigsaw puzzling is a cool way for you to start conversations with new and longtime friends whilst working toward a shared goal.